International Migration
Academic Websites
US-Mexico Binational Study on Migration. The US-Mexico Binational Commission´s Working Group on Migration and Consular Affairs decided in March, 1994 to undertake and in depth study on migration between the two countries. For that purpose, 10 prestigious researchers from each country were selected. They concluded the Study in the Fall of 1997. This link will take you to the Congress report on the Study, an 82 page summary of the results. You will need Acrobat Reader in order to access it.
MARCH OF FOLLY.U.S. Immigration Policy After NAFTA. Article by Douglas Massey, the Dorothy Swaine Thomas Professor of Sociology and chair of the sociology department at the University of Pennsylvania. It looks at US Mexico migration in the NAFTA era and to the future.
The Mexican Migration Project: Extensive research by Jorge Durand from University of Guadalajara and Douglas S. Massey from University of Pennsylvania. The Mexican Migration Project was funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (Grant 1 R37 HD-24047) to create a comprehensive data set on Mexican migration to the United States. Two to five Mexican communities were surveyed each year during December and January of successive years using simple random sampling methods.
American Immigration: Tenth grade project. It contains interesting information about U.S. immigration from the early 17th Century to date.
Cato Institute: A compilation of demographic and economic information about U.S.migration by the CATO Institute and the National Immigration Forum.
Immigration Forum: A collection of articles on various aspects of immigration, written by specialists in the field.
Immigration Issues: A bibliography: This bibliography provides access to a selection of books and government documents dealing with American immigration issues, dating from 1980 to the present. Materials will be found in the University Libraries of the University of Southern California. The biography is a product of Anthony Anderson. It was first compiled in November, 1994 and it continues to be updated on a regular basis.
International Migration Working Paper Series: Published by the Center for International Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It lists academic research papers on international migration and provides information on how to purchase a copy of each one.
Apoyo/Princeton Immigrant Rights League. Latinamerican Princeton. 5.6 MB document from Princeton Latinoamericano of Princeton University. It may be downloaded en PDF foprmat. founded in 1994, the Princeton League for Inmigrants' Rights (Liga de Derechos de Inmigrantes Apoyo/Princeton) is an organization of students and community members from Princeton University dedicated to the defense fo immigrants' rights in the Princeton area in matters such as housing, education and labor. Working together with other vollunteer political and religious groups in Princeton, Apoyo has promoted programs for learning English as a second language, providing translation services, interviews on oral history of local migrants and lobbying against anti-inmigrant bills. Its members come from a diversity of social and ethinic backgrounds, but they share a common wish to strengthen and extend the rights of those who have recently arrived in the United States.
Migration Dialogue. University of California at Davis has published a website with ample information on migration issues. It inlcudes sections on such interesting topics as Rural Migration and Managing Migration in the 21st Century.
Refugee Studies Centre. Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford. The Refugee Studies Centre (RSC) is part of the University of Oxford's International Development Centre at Queen Elizabeth House. Its objectives are to carry out multidisciplinary research and teaching on the causes and consequences of forced migration; to disseminate the results of that research to policy makers and practitioners, as well as within the academic community; and to understand the experience of forced migration from the point of view of the affected populations.
Latin American Network on Moving Populations and AIDS. Website from mexico's National Institute for Public Health, Its goals are: First, to facilitate communication among researchers working on AIDS and migration in Latin America; second, to improve access to information for reaserchers on AIDS and migration in Latin america; and Third, to to support the efforts of the Project AIDS and migration in Central America, mexico and the United States. SPANISH ONLY
El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. COLEF is a research and higher education institution that specializes in the study of economic, social, political, cultural, population and environmental issues of the mexican region that borders the United States. It hosts the Permanent Seminar on Migration and publishes on the web the newsletter "correo frronterizo" on US - mexico Border issues.
Profile of Illegal Border Crossers. The following description of "would-be illegal border crossers" was developed from research conducted by San Diego Dialogue in the San Ysidro Port of Entry (SYPOE), along the fence (FENCE) and in the Casa del migrante (CASA) in Tijuana. Supplemental information is included from the Cañon Zapata Survey (COLEF) conducted by El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. The demographic characteristics of would-be illegal border crossers can vary depending on the place chosen for the attempted crossing.
Circular, Invisible and Ambiguous Migrants: Components of difference in Estimates of the Number of Unauthorized Mexican Migrants in the United States. Article by Frank D. Bean, Rodolfo Corona, Rodolfo Tuirán, Karen A. Woodrow-Lafield, y Jennifer Van Hook. Research that estimates that about 2.54 millin total unauthorized Mexicans resided in the US in1996, as opposed to the 2.7 millon released by INS during the 1990s. The authors claim that the two estimates involve different assumptions about circular, invisible and ambiguous migrants.
The Euro-Mediterranean Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration (CARIM) was launched in February 2004 as part of the MEDA programme adopted in Valencia in April 2002, concerning “cooperation on issues linked to the social integration of immigrants, migration and the traffic of people”. It is financed by the European Commission for an initial period of three years.